Review of “Jennifer’s Body”


As most of you who read my blog know, I’ve been waiting for “Jennifer’s Body” since July when the redband trailer first hit the next. And it appears that, unlike most people, I was one of the very few who knew it was a comedy. It seems to be the fault of Fox’s mis-marketing this movie as a horror film that “Jennifer’s Body” has done so poorly at the box office so far. But that doesn’t mean that this movie is without it’s horror elements, and with a better studio who would know how to market a movie like this, it could have created some pretty iconic moments.  Which is a shame, because it’s a movie that really needs to be seen in theaters with a large audience to get the full enjoyment.

The movie begins with a bang.  “Hell is a teenage girl,” Needy (Amanda Seyfried) muses, in one of the best opening lines in recent memory, as she’s locked in a mental institution for her involvemnt with Jennifer over the past few months. “I didn’t always used to be like this,” Needy claims after getting into a fight with a security guard and being sent to solitary confinement. “I used to be normal. Well, as normal as any hormonal teenage girl can be.” And with that, we’re off! Continue reading