Artist To Die For: Carney

Every once in a while, a band or artist comes along that will absolutely make me lose my mind because of their awesomeness. This happens rarely, mind you, because I get bored easily. But so it was, Sunday night as I was standing at the Veronicas show waiting for the opening act to start while avoiding all of the  classy drunk people, that I had my world absolutely rocked by the band Carney.  Made up of a group of lifelong friends and two brothers, Carney sounds like a mixture of Jeff Buckley meets the Beatles. Fronted by Reeve Carney, who sounds and resembles Jeff Buckley so much that it’s freaky, the band commanded the stage with an air of coolness and ease that had the audience eating out of their hand by the end of their set.  I think I pretty much had an eargasm by the time the last song was played.

After the show, the band hung out at the merchandise table where I got the chance to meet and talk to them for  a while and all I can say is, I hope nothing but great things happen to them.  They are one of the friendliest bands I’ve ever met and they made an effort to talk and get to know everyone who stopped by.

Much to my happiness, their first single “Love me Chase Me” was JUST released on iTunes and can be purchased here. Also check out the lovely video above of one of my favorite songs  of theirs “Imperial Lover.”  It’s like cotton candy for your ears.